Sunday, November 21, 2010

London report

Lots to catch up on. A week of London, teaching and performing with a great British team: Wissam Boustany, Mike Mower, Jennifer Hutchinson, Alex Murray. Ian Mullin, Abigail Burrows, Simon Gilliver, and the founding tutors and incredible organizers Janna Hüneke and Kate Grace. Alex Murray, who at an intellectually and physically lively 81 is perhaps the best "advertisement" for Alexander Technique one can find, inspired us with new warm-ups based on Mozart's vocalise for Constanza and inspired me personally with his insights to and performance tips for Stockhausen's HARMONIEN.
Wissam Boustany inspired not only with his warm personality and informed playing (his Mozart sonate was exquisite!), but with the fact that he plays EVERYTHING, even pieces like the Hindemith Sonate, from memory. AS did his pianist as well!
And after my own program of "serious new music" ;) it was exhilarating a couple of days later to revel in Mike Mower's jazz/rock-influenced quartet FICTIONS--with Mike Mower himself leading the way and setting the (extremely virtuousic) standard.
Then there were all the new games I learned from Abigail Burrows: she had kids clamouring for more scales with her methods. She also writes regularly in the British Flute Society magazine Pan. I had let my subscription lapse some years ago, but I'm definitely signing up again. The British flute world is active, diverse, and FUN, and I'm glad to be in touch again!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Concert in London

Camilla's Solo Recital in the context of "Flute School London"

TONIGHT 6.00 p.m. Hall School, 23 Crossfield Street, Swiss Cottage, LONDON


- Harmonies from the 5th hour of KLANG
Svoboda - Music for Piccolo
Eötvös - Kadenz from SHADOWS
Stockhausen - from AMOUR
Kobayashi - Reibo from TENTATIO 1 & 2
Minamikawa - The Secret of the Sky

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The review...

I really enjoyed playing this concert: both the space and Young-Jae Lee's ceramics in dialogue with paintings were inspiring, and an extremely attentive, packed-in audience brought a lot of energy to the evening as well. Thanks to everyone, including the team of Sinclair-Haus and Altana Stiftung, and the photographer Michael Habe!
Click HERE for the review (in German).
P.S. The blue shawl I put on for Stockhausen's piece HARMONIEN (Harmonies), which he wrote for the 5th hour of the day, designating the corresponding color "HKS 50 blue" to be worn in performance!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Concert in Bad Homburg (near Frankfurt) August 11, 7 p.m.

One last concert before taking a break:

In the context of an exhibit of wonderful ceramics by the amazing potter Young-Jae Lee, I will offer music for solo flute. When I was first asked by the venue for program suggestions, I thought mainly of pieces by Korean composers as well as Korean- or at least Asian-influenced music. However, after actually experiencing the exhibit, reading interesting commentary, and (very important) meeting Ms. Lee herself, I was moved to make some program changes to reflect her philosophy, her working processes, and of course the atmosphere of the current exhibit.

The final version:
Works by Younghi Pagh Paan, Kaija Saariaho, Eiko Tsukamoto, J.S. Bach, Karlheinz Stockhausen

Meanwhile here is the basic information:

ALTANA Kulturstiftung im Sinclair-Haus

Löwengasse 15/Eingang Dorotheenstraße
61348 Bad Homburg
Telefon: 06172/1712120
Telefax: 06172/1712130

Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel von Frankfurt
S5 Bad Homburg Bahnhof

See also

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer news....

Time for a little update.
Of the months that I've missed, there's too much to report: the last concerts and celebrations in Clermont Ferrand, for example, really deserve their own chapter, complete with illustrations by the brilliant photographer Jean-Louis Fernandez! Maybe someday. Meanwhile, I want to jump right in to NOW.

Last night my students played a great recital. (Another future blog could be to report on this wonderful class at the Rochus Music School....) I forgot to mention to them that June 30 was the date I came to Germany--exactly 30 years ago!! Amazing--three decades based in Europe already!(Not to mention the rest of the world--or the other decades experienced, for that matter ;)!)

Tomorrow I pick up my 32-year-old (!) flute (Jack Moore #42) which has been newly overhauled by Christoph Siewers. Had been thinking of getting a new, "fresh" flute, but I'm so attached to MY flute, with the still-unique innovations Jack put on for me.

In two days I fly to Savonlinna, Finland to teach at a summer camp there. It's a lovely place, with great colleagues teaching and playing, a campus on the lake, and a town geared up for the opera festival, with the operas being performed in the courtyard of the old castle. Inspiring!

After that I'm back in Germany to play music by Kaija Saariaho at the Rheingau Festival in Germany: Cendres for flute, cello, piano with Anssi Karttunen and David Lively on the 22nd, the concerto Aile du songe with the Southwest German Radio Orchestra conducted by Susanna Mälkki.

More later--I promise!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Artikel auf deutsch in SONIC

For those of you who read German:
Juliane Bally's interview with me was published in the March/April issue of the SONIC magazine in Germany.

Concert in Cologne, April 29, 8 p.m.

Equinox Musikfestival 2010
Donnerstag, 29. April 2010 | 20:00 Uhr
Alte Feuerwache Köln, Konzertsaal
Melchiorstr. 3 - 50670 Köln Neustadt Nord
Camilla Hoitenga – Flöte
Jenny Q Chai - Klavier

Arnold Schönberg (1874 – 1951) Drei Klavierstücke op. 11,
Hartmut Schulz (*1964) - fragmenter fra requiem (UA) für Bariton, Querflöte und Klavier
Kaija Saariaho (*1952) - Couleurs du vent für Alt-Querflöte solo
Nils Vigeland (*1950) - L'Empire Luminaire, Homma-ge à René Magritte für Klavier solo
Dagfinn Koch (*1964) - Hommage an Edvard Hagerup Grieg (UA) für Querflöte und Klavier

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Concert in Clermont Ferrand, March 23, 2010

mardi 23 mars à 20:30

avec Camilla Hoitenga (flûte)
et Norbert Krämer (percussions)

Kaija Saariaho Six Japanese Gardens
Jovanka Trbojevic, Wounded Angel
Noriko Nakamura Navi

Kaija Saariaho Couleurs du vent
Kaija Saariaho Trois rivières : delta
Yoshihiro Kanno Deep-Sea Maze

régie son et informatique Franck Rossi

Friday, February 26, 2010

Concert in Cologne, March 6, 6 p.m.

Florian Zwißler - sound design

am Samstag, 6. März 18Uhr
in der Rochuskirche in Köln-Bickendorf

The Program:
Kaija Saariaho: Six Japanese Gardens (percussion + electronic)
Jovanka Trbojevic : The Wounded Angel (flute + percussion) ("pre-premiere")
Kaija Saariaho: Dolce Tormento (piccolo solo)
Kaija Saariaho: Trois Rivières (percussion + electronic)
Yoshihiro Kanno: Deep-Sea Maze (flute + percussion)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Winter 2010 !

Current activities: further study of Japanese language; learning new pieces for flute/percussion, flute/piano, flute solo; teaching; baking apple crisp; editing performance-practice information; writing recommendations; reading about Èmilie and Voltaire; reflecting on the power and message of the movie "Nokan" by Yojira Takita; imagining a new website; listening through the assortment of CDs that have accumulated on my desk; learning more Japanese; planning new programs....