Without having made any resolutions toward improving my "web presence" this year, I will at least begin with announcing the next musical activities:
Ultraschall Festival in Berlin
31 January 2009 -- 19:00 Sophiensaal Concert with Hèloïse Dautry, harp
Music by Ton That Tîet, Pèter Koeszeghy, Kaija Saariaho, and Orjan Sandred
The piece by Sandred (a world premiere) is called "Whirl of Leaves" and is the most virtuosic work that we have tackled for a long time: whirls of notes, weeks and weeks of rehearsal....stay tuned!
1 February 2009 -- Haus des Rundfunks Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin
Wolfgang Lischke, conductor
Although this will be about my 17th performance of Saariaho's Aile du songe, it will my first with this conductor and orchestra. Also on the program are works by Saed Haddad, Malika Kishino & Fabian Panisell.
Preview: After the festival I'll begin preparing my own pieces, inspired by the ideas, procedures and paintings of the Finnish artist Raija Malka, all to be presented at her art opening:
7 March 2009 -- Helsinki